
Jack Heslin is a 30 year sales and marketing professional who has worked in large corporate environments as well as start-ups. During this time Jack consistently worked in the tech sector starting in telecom in the 90s and then to IT. After several years in the IT space Jack made a move to 3D Printing after reading about in The Economist. In the spring of 2021 an unexpected offer came to be part of a start-up using AI technologies in smart phones for inspection and dimensioning applications.

Intrigued with the technology he started taking classes in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning through the University of Texas followed by “AI for Decision Making” through the Wharton School of Business online program. Between his professional experience and formal education Jack came to realize small to medium size companies were going to need guidance in evaluating and implementing AI solutions. At that point “The AI Conversation” was born.

Why a “conversation”? Because Artificial Intelligence will likely prove to be the most pervasive and influential technology yet developed leading Jack to the deeply insightful statement “we should be talking about this”. (Profound was never Jack’s strength).

You can view Jack’s writing’s on AI on his LinkedIn Profile or email questions to [email protected]

He currently live in southern Delaware with his wife and son. After deep and thoughtful analysis he has concluded somewhere there is an alternate universe where the New York Giants never lose.